• +90322 2441037
  • contact@daahk.org
  • Cukurova University Mithat Ozsan Congress Center, Adana - Turkey

Electricity in Turkey operates on 220 volts, 50 Hz, with round-prong European-style plugs that fit into recessed wall sockets/points. If your device does not accept 230 volts, 50 Hz you will need a voltage converter and if your appliance plug has a different shape, you will need a plug adapter.

In restaurants, tip 10% to 15%. In hotels, tip €1 – €2 per bag for porters. You do not need to give tip for the taxis.
You may tip in any currency so long as you give notes/bills (paper money). Do not give non-Turkish coins, as these cannot be exchanged for Turkish liras.

Time Zone 
All of Turkey is on Eastern European time, UTC/GMT +2 hours.
Daylight saving time is 1 hour, and begins on the last Sunday in March, and ends the last Sunday in October.

Based on data provided by well known statistical institutes worldwide, Adana, among other metropolises, is regarded as one of the few cities with a low rate of crime. In the congress venue security staffs are on duty using the newest technological security systems.

Pay phones are available at the conference center as well as in the city. Phone cards are widely available in shops.

The international dialing code for Turkey is 90, and the code for Adana is 322
National calls: 0 + city code + telephone number
International calls: 00 + country code + city code + telephone number

Currency Exchange
The local currency is the Turkish Lira (TL). The exchange rate changes daily. Foreign currency can be exchanged at the airport, banks, hotels and exchange offices. International Credit Cards are widely accepted.

Bank services are available at the Airport, throughout the city and there are several close to the Hotel. Banks are open from 08:30 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday, with a break between 12:00 to 13:30. They are closed at weekends and on public holidays.

Credit Cards
International credit cards are accepted in cash dispensers, hotels, restaurants and most shops, as well as car rental agencies. The most common credit cards are VISA, Euro Card, and MasterCard.

Emergency Telephone Numbers
Ambulance 112
Fire Dept 110
Police 155

First Aid and Hospital Services
A doctor and a nurse will be available in the first-aid room of the Hotel during the Congress. In the event of an emergency, transfer to the nearest hospital will be provided by ambulance.

Driving License
International Driving Licenses are recognized throughout Turkey. Car rental companies ask for a valid driving license.

For gourmets, this will be an outstanding opportunity to taste homeland of KEBAP and also various examples of Turkish, European, Asian and international cuisine in Adana.

Most shops in Adana are generally open from 09:00 to 19:00, Monday to Saturday. Big shopping centers are open every day of the week, usually from 10:00 to 22:00. In all shopping centers major credit cards are accepted and tax-free shopping is possible.

Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. At the time you register for the Congress and book your travel you may wish to take an insurance policy of your choice. This insurance is to be purchased in your country of origin.

Turkish food is famous throughout the world; the range is enormous, from a number of soups to an astonishing variety of appetizers, followed by meat and fish dishes, many famous Turkish sweets, pastries and Turkish coffee. Prices could vary between 20 € (modest, traditional restaurant) to 50 € (gastronomic upscale restaurant).

Post Office
Post offices are indicated PTT (Post, Telegraph, and Telephone) throughout the city. The central Post office is open Monday through Saturday from 08:00 to 21:00, Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00. Smaller ones are open Monday through Friday between 08:30 and 17:00. Hotel concierges also take the mail.

Available at taxi stands or hailed on the street. All are yellow and have meters.

Mobile Phone
There are 3 GSM operators in Turkey being as Turkcell, Avea and Vodafone. All of them are daughters or partners of international companies and have roaming agreements with network operators of all participating countries. There are two wave bands for mobile phones in Turkey: 900 and 1800 MHz. Please check with your provider regarding roaming costs and wave bands. Local GSM operators have prepaid lines, which can be provided at newspaper booths and groceries. Please check that the prepaid cards are in accordance with your line. Additionally, there will be renting possibilities of mobile phones with lines.